I started practising yoga and pilates over twenty years ago in my mid 30s initially to try and alleviate back pain, never did I imagine that my body and mind were going to undertake such rewarding changes.
Now with twenty years of teaching, practice and continuous learning I hold a E-RYT 500, 1,100 hours of CTP the highest accreditation as a yoga teacher in Ireland.
I went to my first Ashtanga weekend workshop in the Burren in 2004 and felt amazing afterwards (but aching). I knew this was the type of yoga for me, it’s challenging, vigorous and fast flowing yet I can free my mind from the endless thoughts by concentrating on the breath.
I immersed myself in the practise and when I heard of Teacher Training with Anthony Kearney I joined up purely to deepen my practise and understanding of yoga. It was a fantastic experience. I gained a huge amount of confidence, body awareness and teaching skills. I am teaching now over nineteen years and I am very enthusiastic to share the experience and benefits of yoga with others.
After accomplishing my yoga Diploma I have continued my studies and I have done intensive training with David Sweenson, Anna Forest, Venketesh and travelled to India to study Yoga Philosophy with Emil Wendel. I have also had the privilege to work with Danny Paradise, Richard, Freeman, Lino Minele, Kino McGregor, Mattew Sweeney, Ray Tracey (RIP), David Life, Sharon gannon , Shiva rae , Patrick beach and many more. As a dedicated student and teacher I travelled to Thailand in January 2008 and began my advanced training with Paul Dallaghan and Pranayama teacher Sri.O.P.Tiwari.
The inspirational teaching at Yoga Thailand is second to none and where I plan to return as often as possible to continue my journey of continual learning and growth.
In 2012 I spent six weeks in Nepal learning and teaching with Yoginomad.
I have also continued my Pilates practice and in 2006 I attained my Pilates Diploma with Progressive Pilates Academy (Bodyfirm, Dublin).
I would like to thank all my teachers, students and friends I have met on this yoga journey.
To all that is good in the Universe that awakens and uplifts the self and teaches me to be kind to my brothers and sisters.
Om Shanti..
Peace to all beings.
Barbara 'Babs' Carolan.
* Barbara also holds a diploma in Diet & Nutrition along with the IAHS Diploma in Health Food Retailing (Irish Association of Health Stores).
Barbara also holds a diploma in Thai massage.